• Step 1: Open the project editor for the project and use the button Download & Add to add the new public stable cgMLST and Accessory task templates to the project, and save it.
  • Step 2: A dialog window will be shown. If the project contains only a few samples, it will ask to process those samples now. In this case you can press Yes here, and confirm the following Process Assembled Genome Data dialog to process the new tasks interactively.
Else, if the project contains a large number of samples, it is recommended to use a reprocessing pipeline to process the new tasks for the samples.
  • Step 3: After the new tasks were processed, the old task templates are normally not needed any longer. However, before they can be deleted from the project, the task entries in the samples must be deleted first. This can be done by logging in with the Administrator account or any user with administration rights, and invoking the menu function Administration | Delete Task Entries from Samples.