ContentsWhole Genome Sequence Data Types & Sizes
1) depending on genome size and coverage (here 5 MB & 180x fold), 2) BAM file is more than twice as large as ACE file made from same reads with same coverage, 3) with ‘Import read data for targets with analysis errors/warnings only’ option turned on. Database Size per SampleThe mean values of storage required per sample in the database are shown in the table below. The storage values are averaged for in total 14 Illumina Nextera XT library read pairs (FASTQ; 150bp, 250bp, and 300bp) from various species (C. jejuni ATCC 700819, 1.6 MBases; E. faecium TEX16, 2.7MBases; S. aureus COL, 2.8 Mbases; E. coli Sakai, 5.5 MBases; and P. aeruginosa PAO1, 6.2 MBases) sequenced with a MiSeq, de novo assembled with Velvet using default SeqSphere+ client pipeline settings, and then cgMLST & accessory target calling with SeqSphere+ using the option ‘Import read data for targets with analysis errors/warnings only’ and all other allele calling parameters set to default for Illumina data.
1) always including the assembly contigs; 2)storage of assembly files (ACE/BAM) on the Server is an optional feature of SeqSphere+; 3) backing-up the database is also an optional feature of the software (can be done with or without assembly files); 4) contigs derived from 120x coverage assemblies; 5) not applicable; 6) FASTQs on average 0.65 GB large per sample. N.B.: due to less good possibility of compression a BAM file (contains all the read base quality values) is more than twice as large as an ACE file (only contains QVs for the consensus sequence) made from the same reads with the same coverage. As raw reads (FASTQ) are the largest files of the whole workflow, it will most probably be impossible to keep them forever locally in a continuous productive setting. Raw reads are never stored on the server. Only the file location is stored (‘linked’ files). However, the raw reads can be submitted via SeqSphere+ to the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA). ACE/BAM files can be optionally stored on the server (‘uploaded’ files). In contrast to ‘linked’ files, ‘uploaded’ files can be backuped by SeqSphere+. To make ‘linked’ files accessible from all client-computers, it is recommended to store those files on a network-drive that is assigned to all client computers with an identical path (e.g., mapping the network-drive always to the same drive letter on different Windows computers).
Disk Storage RequiredIt is assumed that approx. 30 MB per sample are needed in the database directory if the sample ACE or BAM files are not stored. With the backup default settings (compress non-blocking, daily backups, and delete backups that are older than 2 days) additionally approx. 15 MB per sample are required for each finished backup of the database in the backup directory. Once the third backup was successfully finished the oldest backup is deleted. In addition another approx. 30 MB is temporarily needed during backup with default settings. Therefore approx. 75 MB (3*15 + 30 MB) per sample are required in the backup directory with default settings. By default the database directory and the backup directory are located on the same hard disk. However, all directory locations can be changed in the backup settings. The database directory must be on an internal hard disk. It is highly recommended to put the backup directory on a different hard disk! For performance reasons, an internal hard disk is ideally. If the backup directory is located on a network device (e.g., NAS) and/or to save some space in the backup directory, the option Create backup first in backup temp directory and move then to backup directory should be enabled. For performance reason the backup is then first created in the defined backup temp directory and then moved at once to the network device. The backup temp directory must be located on an internal hard disk, ideally on a separate one, and requires with default settings approx. 45 MB (15+30 MB) per sample. The size of the backup directory reduces then to 45 MB (3*15 MB) per sample.
If the option Create backup first in backup temp directory and move then to backup directory is turned on, the 30,000 samples require for backup approx. 1.5 TB for the backup directory (e.g., on a NAS) and approx. 1.5 TB for the backup temp directory (on an internal hard disk). De Novo Assembling Runtime & MemoryExample Velvet (v1.1.04) runtimes (including AMOS to ACE file conversion) and memory requirements for Illumina Nextera XT read pairs (FASTQ) on an Intel i7-3770 system with 4 cores and 32 GB memory (purchased end of 2012 for about 1.000€) using default SeqSphere+ client pipeline quality trimming, automatic k-mer optimization, and four simultaneous Velvet processes each with 8 GB RAM allocated are shown in the table below.
Note that actual time and memory requirements may be different depending on genome size, read length, coverage, read distribution, sequencing quality, and k-mer settings. The Velvet version employed is not multi-threading capable. However, more than one instance/process of Velvet can be run in parallel. Usually the available memory is the limiting resource for the maximum number of parallel Velvet processes possible. In addition, the maximum number of parallel processes possible is limited by the number of ‘virtual cores’ available (for most modern processors, e.g. i5 or i7, this is usually the number of cores available times two). In pipeline mode one sample after another is sequentially worked-up. The above table helps to estimate how much memory is needed and thereby how many processes of Velvet can be run in parallel. For example, on a system with 32 GB RAM, up to 4 processes can be run in parallel for a genome size of up to 6.2 MBase using down-sampling to 150x coverage and default trimming (assuming that the processor supports so many parallel processes). For smaller genomes or less coverage, a higher number of processes can be run in parallel if enough processor ‘virtual cores’ are available. By default (configurable) SeqSphere+ starts one Velvet process per 8 GB of RAM available on the client-computer. If a memory error should occur then this failure is documented expressively in the log-files. De novo assembly is the speed limiting step of the whole cgMLST analysis procedure when done from raw reads (scanning for core/accessory genome genes with SeqSphere+ usually takes less than 5 min).
Reference Mapping RuntimeExample runtimes of BWA (-sw, v0.6.1-r104) mapping (including the HD intensive conversion of SAM to sorted BAM file) and combined runtimes of BWA and SeqSphere+ cgMLST & accessory target calling for Illumina Nextera XT read pairs (FASTQ) of M. tuberculosis H37Rv (4.4 MBases) on an Intel i7-3770 system with 4 cores and 32 GB memory (purchased end of 2012 for about 1.000€) using default SeqSphere+ client pipeline quality trimming, downsampling, and BWA assembly with a maximum of eight simultaneous threads are shown in the table below.
Note that actual time may be different depending on genome size, read length, coverage, read distribution, and sequencing quality. The BWA version employed is multi-threading capable. The maximum number of parallel threads possible is limited by the number of ‘virtual cores’ available (for most modern processors, e.g. i5 or i7, this is usually the number of cores available times two). In addition to the available ‘virtual cores’ the available memory may be limiting. However, reference mapping is not very much memory demanding. 4 GB RAM in total available is usually more than enough. Therefore, if at all the number of ‘virtual cores’ available is the limiting resource for the maximum number of parallel BWA threads possible. By default (configurable) SeqSphere+ starts BWA with a maximum number of threads equaling the number of ‘virtual cores’ available on the client-computer. In pipeline mode one sample after another is sequentially worked-up. Reference mapping is far less time and computationally expensive than de novo assembly.
Assembling, Genome-wide Target Scan, and Allele Calling RuntimeExample runtimes of Velvet (v1.1.04) or BWA (-sw, v0.6.1-r104) assembly and cgMLST & accessory target scanning with SeqSphere+ for Illumina Nextera XT read pairs (FASTQ) on an Intel i7-3770 system with 4 cores and 32 GB memory (purchased end of 2012 for about 1.000€) using default SeqSphere+ client pipeline quality trimming, downsampling, and for Velvet assembly automatic k-mer optimization and four simultaneous processes each with 8 GB RAM allocated or for BWA assembly with a maximum of eight simultaneous threads are shown in the table below.
The whole assembly and cgMLST allele calling procedure usually takes less than 1h per sample (if processed with recommended maximum coverage of 120x). Therefore, one SeqSphere+ client easily scales with the output of one MiSeq machine run in 24/7 mode. |