Please Note: Working with Plasmid Databases requires the Long-read Data Plasmid Transmission Analysis Module

The manage plasmid databases window

This window allows to view and manage the Mash plasmid databases. To edit a Mash database, users must have the access rights to modify the Task Template that contains the Mash database.

The table lists the available plasmid databases. Each database is identified by the associated Task Template and Typing. The column Early Warning Alert contains a Button16-earlywarningplasmid.png symbol if an early warning alert is defined for the plasmid database.

The contents of a plasmid database can be viewed by selecting a row and clicking the button View DB. All entries (sketches) from a database can be removed using the button Button16-Clear.pngClear Mash Database. Early warning alert definitions for a Typing can be edited using the button Button16-earlywarningplasmid.png Edit Early Warning Alert.

New plasmid databases cannot be created from this window. Instead, they are automatically created if a Mash Plasmid Task Template is created.