The command Options | Edit User Settings allows to change the password, the contact data and the account for the Ridom nomenclature server.


Change Password

To change your password, enter a new password in the text-fields in the "Account" section, just below the "Login" field showing your username. The password must be entered twice to minimize the possibility of typing errors. Click OK and the new password is set.

Password Security

Note: You can choose short passwords, but for security reasons it is recommended to choose passwords with at least 6 characters. Shorter passwords are easy to guess. Several often-used passwords should be avoided:

  • test, password or Passwort
  • 12345678 or other simple number combinations
  • asdf or other sequences where character keys are neighbours on the keyboard
  • test
  • the user name, the first name or the last name of the user
  • any other text that may be easy to guess.

Change User Settings

User contact data can be changed in the "User" and "Contact" sections. If the data in these sections is changed and no password is specified, the password is left unchanged when OK is clicked.

Ridom Nomenclature Server account

The account data for the nomenclature server can be changed in the "Nomenclature Server Account" tab.