ContentsCreating New SamplesBasically there are four different ways to create new Samples;
Storing SamplesThe edited sample can be saved with the Finding and Retrieving Existing SamplesThe command The window can be switched from Quick to Advanced mode with the buttons at the upper right side of the window. Quick ModeThe Quick mode allows to perform a simple search in database fields for a given text. The searched fields can be specified by clicking the Configure button. The fields for Project and Recently modified can be used to limit the search to the specified Project or to Samples that were modified recently. Advanced ModeThe Advanced mode can be used to define more sophisticated search criteria.
Result ListPress the button Search to start the search and view a list of the Samples that were found in the database matching the defined search criteria. If no search criteria are defined, all Samples in database are viewed. For performance reasons, the size of the result list is limited to 250 rows by default. If more Samples are found, the Previous page and Next page buttons below the search result can be used to step through the result pages. If Samples across several Projects are found then the Samples are ordered by Projects in the result list. Samples can be opened for viewing or editing by selecting them in the result list and clicking the Load selected-button. Note that holding the SHIFT- or CTRL-key while clicking Samples allows to select multiple Samples. Also note that selecting a Project will open all Samples in it. Double-clicking a Project in the result-list opens all Samples of that Project. Double-clicking a Sample opens only this Sample. Deleting SamplesOnly the Sample owner can delete a Sample. Deletion is done by using the |