Target Overview

The target overview displays a summary of all data that is stored within a target of a Sample.

The view is organized in three panels:

  • The upper left panel shows the a link to the contig (or contigs) and the successful and failed analysis checks.
  • The upper right panel shows the parameters that were used for the selected target. (For Sanger sequencing data some parameters can be overwritten for this specific target by using the button Button16-New.gif Overwriter template parameters.)
  • The lower panel shows a bird's eye view of the alignment between the ref.-seq., the contig and the reads.

The toolbar on the top of the panel shows the following buttons:

  • Button16-ExportSequence.gif Export consensi: Export the consensus sequence of this target.
  • Button16-ReAssembly.gif Reassemble reads: Re-Assemble the reads sequences (e.g., chromatograms) of this target. This feature is only available for Sanger sequencing data.
  • Button16-DisAssembly.gif Disassemble reads: Dis-Assemble the aligned reads. This feature is only available for Sanger sequencing data.
  • Button16-AddReads.gif Add reads from file: Add reads manually from files. This feature is only available for Sanger sequencing data.
  • Button16-ReportPDF.gif Assembly report: Create a printable summary report for this target. This feature is only available for Sanger sequencing data.
  • Button16-NewSampleFromWGS.png Add Sequences from Assembly Files: Open the Process Assembled Genome Data window with the WGS data file linked or attached to the Sample. The Task for the Task Entry and the specific target is already pre-selected. This feature is only available for whole genome sequencing data.