The Task Entry overview shows a summary of all data that is stored within the Task Entry.
The view is organized in two columns:
- The left column shows a summary of all targets of this Task Entry, followed by the result fields. If the result fields are automatically filled by a query, the button
Enable manual editing allows to manually fill the result fields.
- The right column shows all queries defined for this Task Entry, with each query's success rates and results.
The toolbar on the top of the panel shows the following buttons:
Export consensi: Export the consensus sequences of this Task Entries into a FASTA library file.
Reassemble reads: Re-Assemble the read sequences (e.g., chromatograms) of all targets of this Task Entry. This feature is only available for Sanger sequencing data.
Restart queries: Restart the queries of this Task Entry.
Position Navigator: pen the Position Navigator for this Task Entry.
Add Sequences from Assembly File: Open the Process Assembled Genome Data window with the WGS data file linked or attached to the Sample. The Task for the Task Entry is already pre-selected. This feature is only available for whole genome sequencing data.
Add reads: Add reads from files manually. This feature is only available for Sanger sequencing data.
On the bottom, specific access rights can be set for the Task Entry.
For some queries that are based on sequence libraries (e.g. MLST), an extra panel below the Task Entry overview shows the alignment between the contig and query library sequences that are selected in the query result table.