Ridom SeqSphere+

Software Features

Client/server architecture

The client/server architecture allows distributed workgroups to cooperate via intra- or internet. Multiple users can access the data from various computers. Access rights and privileges can be configured to restrict access for specific users.

DNA re-sequencing editor

Assemble raw reads (FASTQ) using SKESA, Velvet, SPAdes, Flye or Raven and BWA. Read and analyze assembly files (FASTA, GB, BAM, ACE). Interspecies-contamination check with Mash Screen. Edit and analyze WGS or Sanger DNA sequence data.

Editor for NGS data

Pipeline for automated sequence analysis

Define and start a pipeline to trim by quality, down-sample, assemble, analyze, and type hundreds of NGS data at once automatically; e.g. by fetching raw reads from the benchtop sequencer as soon as data are generated. Automatic read data quality and adapter content control. Define quality criteria (e.g., % of good cgMLST targets) for sample success. Correct handling of repeated samples is built-in to the pipeline.

Characterize bacteria

Type bacteria automatically with user defined QC parameters (e.g., coverage or frame shift). Genome-wide allele and SNP calling from WGS data either on core genome and/or accessory genome level is implemented. Use public schemes for genotyping or define them by using the incorporated cgMLST Target Definer. Use the NCBI AMRFinder for resistance prediction. Salmonella (SISTR), E. coli and L. monocytogenes geno-serotyping. MOB-suite and MobileElementFinder plasmid reconstruction and characterization.

Minimum Spanning Tree


Store, search, retrieve, export, and create reports from experiment, epidemiologic, and DNA sequence data stored in an integrated database. Data fields are compliant with the meta-data requirements of the EBI European Nucleotide Archive (ENA). Compare new sequence entries against stored data. Get automatically clonal and/or plasmid transmission alerts of possible outbreaks. Manage and backup all data (sequence and epi-data). Download from NCBI Genome complete/draft genomes or NCBI SRA reads. Submit with just one click raw read- and epi-data to EBI ENA.

Editor for database fields

Analytical tools

Visualize place, time, ‘person’, and type dimensions in a comparison table with built-in GIS, epi-curve, and phylogenetic tree (among others the minimum spanning tree algorithm is supported) functionality. All dimension views are inter-linked and exportable in publication quality format (SVG and EMF). Store tree coloring, topology, and selection of samples in a comparison table snapshot. Search for group-specific SNPs, e.g., for designing an outbreak-strain specific PCR screening assays (Microbiol Spectr. 10: e0303622, 2022 [PubMed]). Visualize and compare plasmids with pyGenomeViz.

Place, time, 'person' and type dimension visualized


Download certified typing schemes online. Rapidly and easily share typing schemes with others. Contribute optional to the world-wide expanding publically available cgMLST.org server of allele nomenclature. Consortium Server functionality allows several Seq-Sphere+ users each with their own installation to share a minimum agreed upon amount of data. The shared data can be used for automatically triggered matching alert (MA) emails.


Encryption (SSL) of all data in transmission. Configurable anonymization of meta-data like place and time before making data public (ENA submission). Various configurable user roles, user groups and access controls. Audit trail functionality (who did, what, and when).

System Requirements

Microsoft Windows 64-bit or Linux 64-bit, quad-core processor, 16-32 GB RAM, >1 TB harddisk (depending on the amount of data that should be stored). See the SeqSphere+ user guide for more detailed system requirements.


The license is limited to a time period and a number of named user accounts on the server. Each named user account allows to login once at the same time. If somebody else logs in with the same account, a read-only mode is activated for this session. The Pipeline Mode also runs with a named user accounts but can run concurrently. So the same user can be logged in in the normal mode, and can run several pipelines at the same time. Client software can be installed on an unlimited number of computers. The license period starts with the activation of the license. The license will expire after the defined period and the software runs with read-only access unless a new license is ordered. Read-only access still allows to view and export existing data. License includes all forthcoming updates of SeqSphere+ and the purchased modules and technical support within the time period. Free support includes email as well as online remote help. Ridom strives to answer basic support questions the same or the next working day in function of the time zone.


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