Server Command Line Parameters

-port <portnumber>
The port where the sever listenes for SeqSphere+ clients.
Default: 8064
-workingdir <path>
The path where the server stores the database, configuration and logging files.
Default: seqsphere-server (Windows) or .seqsphere-server (Linux) in user's home directory
If set, the server application shows a tray icon in the task bar and starting up/shutting down dialogs.
-resetAdministratorPassword <new_administrator_password>
Sets the Administrator's password to the given new password, then exits the program.
Restores the most current backup from the configured backup directory, then exits the program.
(The current database will be moved to a sub directory named oldContent.)
-restoreBackup <backup_file>
Restores the given backup file, then exits the program.
(The current database will be moved to a sub directory named oldContent.)

Client Command Line Parameters

Starts the SeqSphere+ client in Pipeline Mode for import of NGS data.
-profiledir <path>
The path where SeqSphere+ stores the configuration and logging files.
Default: seqsphere (Windows) or .seqsphere (Linux) in user's home directory