- Memory Usage
- Configure the maximum of memory (RAM) that can be used by SeqSphere+. On 32bit operating systems this maximum is limited to around 1.3 GB. On 64bit systems it is only limited by your physical available memory.
- PDF Viewer (Linux version only)
- If your standard PDF Viewer is not found automatically it can be specified here.
Comparison Table
- Distance Calculation
- Allows to hide the warning dialog for columns with empty values
- Highlight
- Allows to disable the highlighting of empty values
DNA Sequence Views
- Contig Alignment
- You can specify if the visible layout of the aligned read rows when scrolling through the contig alignment.
- Sequence Editor
- You can specify the color schemes visible layouts for the sequence and chromatogram editors
- Read Import
- You can specify if the name of a read should be take from the file name, or from an internal comment
Online Connection
- Proxy Server
- The Proxy settings must be specified here if your need to go through a HTTP Proxy to access the Internet.
- Online Updates
- You can specify if SeqSphere+ should search for updates on every startup.
- Sample Submission
- You can specify the Submission Anonymization Filter to define what level of place/time and sample ID should submitted to public databases.
Input Files
- Reads with a mapping quality below the given threshold (default 10) are discared when Samples are created from SAM/BAM files using Process Assembled Genome Data or the Pipeline Mode.