
The procedure statistics are automatically calculated by SeqSphere+. They are shown in the Procedure tab of the Sample Overview and they can be exported like epidemiological field data. The read and assembly procedure statistics can also be exported to and imported from SPEC Files.

Read Statistics

Field Description Submission
Avg. Coverage (Unassembled)1) Estimated based on the genome size of the reference genome and unprocessed reads Webupload16 grey.png
Avg. Coverage (Processed, Unassembled)1) Estimated based on the genome size of the reference genome and processed (trimming and/or downsampling) reads
Avg. Read Length (Unassembled)1) Average read length for unassambled reads Webupload16 grey.png
Avg. Read Length (Processed, Unassembled)1) Average read length for processed (trimming and/or downsampling) and unassambled reads Webupload16 grey.png
Read Count (Unassembled)1) Number of reads for unassambled reads
Read Count (Processed, Unassembled)1) Number of reads for processed (trimming and/or downsampling) and unassambled reads
Read Base Count (Unassembled)1) Sum of all read bases for unassambled reads
Read Base Count (Processed, Unassembled)1) Sum of all read bases for processed (trimming and/or downsampling) and unassambled reads

1) only available if assembled with a SeqSphere+ pipeline
Webupload16 grey.png Potentially this field is submitted and published on cgMLST.org when the Sample is submitted.

Assembly Statistics

Field Description Submission
Contig Count (Assembled) Number of contigs in the assembly2) Webupload16 grey.png
N50 N50 calculated for the assembly2) Webupload16 grey.png
Read Count (Assembled)3) Number of reads used in the assembly
Read Fwd Count (Assembled)3) Number of forward reads used in the assembly
Read Rev Count (Assembled)3) Number of reverse reads used in the assembly
Consensus Base Base Count (Assembled) Number of bases in the assembly Webupload16 grey.png
Max Contig Length (Assembled) Maximum length of a contig in the assembly2)
Min Contig Length (Assembled) Minimum length of a contig in the assembly2)
Mean Contig Length (Assembled) Mean length of a contig in the assembly2)
Avg. Coverage (Assembled)4) Estimated based on the consensus base count and assembled read base count, or imported from GenBank entry Webupload16 grey.png
Genome Status Filled if the sequence data was imported from NCBI Webupload16 grey.png

2) includes all contigs, i.e., also contigs that are smaller than 200 bases
3) only available if imported from ACE/BAM or assembled with a SeqSphere+ pipeline
4) only available if imported from ACE/BAM, assembled with a SeqSphere+ pipeline or available in GenBank entry
Webupload16 grey.png Potentially this field is submitted and published on cgMLST.org when the Sample is submitted.

cgMLST Statistics

Field Description Submission
Procedure cgMLST Perc. Good Targets Number of cgMLST targets that passed the initial target QC procedure Webupload16.png

Webupload16.png This field is submitted and published on cgMLST.org when the Sample is submitted.