ContentsMenu BarThe Menu on the top of the window has the following sections:
The navigation toolbar is the topmost toolbar in the upper right corner of the window.
The Sample ( Each Sample belongs to one Project (
Each Sample can have Task Entries (
Example: A Project Campy, contains two Task Templates: Campy MLST, that contains the 7 MLST loci as targets, and Campy flaB that contains only a single target. Each Sample of this Project may now contain one Task Entry for Campy MLST, that contains up to 7 different targets, and one Task Entry for Campy flaB, that may contain only one target.
The Samples are sorted by Project, and are shown in the subtree right below their Project. If the Sample contains Task Entries, they are displayed in the subtree below the Sample. Each Task Entry may have one or more targets that are shown in the hierarchy below the Task Entry. Finally, down in the hierarchy the contig(s) and read(s) of each target are shown. The colors of the icons apply to the target analysis result, or to the summarized result for all targets in a Task Entry or Sample. Double-clicking a data object in the tree opens an editor in the editing panel right of the navigation tree. The currently opened data object is highlighted in the tree. Clicking a data object with the right mouse button shows a menu with context-sensitive commands. Clicking data objects while holding the SHIFT- or CTRL-key allows more than one data object to be selected and by clicking with the right mouse button a command for all selected objects can be chosen. Above the tree a toolbar is shown:
Editing PanelShows the details for the currently selected item (Project, Sample, Task Entry, Target, Contig) and allows editing if the item is writable and was opened in editing mode. Background Jobs
The progress of running background jobs are shown on the lower right side of the main window. Click on the progress bar to get a complete list of running jobs. Background jobs can be cancelled using the button
Viewing, Editing, and Locking SamplesA Sample that is loaded in the Workspace is by default opened in Editing Mode (if the user has permissions to edit the Sample).
In the Editing Mode the data of the Sample or its Task Entries can be modified and the Sample is currently locked from opening in this mode for all other users. This means that other users can still open these Samples, but only in Viewing Mode, even if they have permissions to edit the Sample. When the Samples are locked they will be unable to make any changes, including importing data for this Sample. Other users will see an icon next to the Sample which explains that it is currently locked.
In the Viewing Mode the data of the Samples and its Task Entries can only be viewed or exported, but not modified.
An opened Sample can be toggled between Viewing Mode and Editing Mode with the By default, Samples are opened in Editing Mode. This behavior can be changed with menu item Options | Editing Mode Defaults. If a login session is inactive (no input from mouse or keyboard) for more than ten minutes, then all unmodified Samples that are currently in Editing Mode are switched to Viewing Mode. If a login session is inactive for more than ten three hours and no modified data exists, then the user is automatically logged out. |